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entrepreneur charm

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su yashuai
president of fujian j-tech group and founder of j-tech cnc machine tool
active innovater of cnc machine tool industrialization and modernization of china
standing member of npc standing committee of fengze district, quanzhou, fujian
vice president of association of industry and commerce (general chamber of commerce) of fengze district, quanzhou, fujian
vice president of international chamber of commerce of fengze district, quanzhou, fujian
president of fujian machine tool industry association
vice president of fujian association of ccp historical personage research
vice president of association of industry and commerce (general chamber of commerce) of luojiang district, quanzhou, fujian
standing member of association of industry and commerce (general chamber of commerce) of quanzhou, fujian
general secretary of quanzhou association of science and technology innovation
president of general chinese merchant association of north america
director of charity federation of fengze district, quanzhou, fujian

in the company development of more than 20 years, su yashuai has laid the cultural foundation for j-tech management, with the strong sense of responsibility and mission, forward-looking business strategy, advanced quality concept, steadfast innovation pursuit and pioneering and innovative spirit. he is leading j-tech to actively strive for greater efforts and social responsibilities.

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j-tech industrial park, chaoyang disrict of xihuan road, shuangyang subdistrict, luojiang region, quanzhou city
free service hotline:
400 8385 881(mobile phone dialing)
800 8585 881(fixed phone dialing)

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